
Could you give us a brief description of the upcoming Women's Week event?         During our Devathon and other CSE events, we noticed that female students'...


Q - Interviewer: How did you guys decide to participate in the hackathon? Shubhank: In my second year, some of our batchmates participated in the...

Unpacked: Clubs, Committees & Associations (Associations)

In the final instalment of the series, we’ll be looking at the eight branch associations of the college. They are Electronics and Communication Engineering...

Unpacked: Clubs, Committees & Associations (Tech Biz)

In this Penultimate edition, we will be looking at the Technical and Business associated clubs of our college. This edition will feature ACM Student...


India is an agriculture-driven country. The existence  of farming in our mythology and Vedas, make agriculture an integral part of our culture. As agriculture...

The Recipe of RACISM

For a society inching towards equality, racism has proven to be one of the monumental obstacles in its path to righteousness. Evolving over centuries,...

Pulse ’19

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Pulse ’18

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Pulse ’17

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Pulse ’16

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Christmas, Covid and Capitalism

As we celebrate the birth anniversary of Jesus of Nazareth, at a time when judgement seems impending, one is only left with one’s memories...

REC to NIT: Humble Beginnings (Part 7)

BOARDS, T-SQUARE AND SLIDE RULES: The College Cooperative stores became operational right at the beginning to provide textbooks, notebooks, lab-record books, general stationery, drawing boards,...

REC to NIT: Humble Beginnings (Part 6)

ACTION BEGINS - ACADEMIC COURSES AND CURRICULUM  The RECW offered 5-year graduation B.E. degree courses in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Students should have completed...

REC to NIT: Humble Beginnings (Part 5)

GURUS START ARRIVING Recruitment of permanent staff commenced during the first year. RECW jobs were attractive and vigorously sought after. The remuneration for a lecturer...